The Michigan Pest Management Association
We are the voice of the industry, promoting the highest level of integrity and professionalism in order to protect the health and property of the community.

MPMA Announces
2023 Scholarship Recipient
(Fraser, MI)- The Michigan Pest Management Association (MPMA) is proud to announce that because of the generosity of members, MPMA was able to give out 2 scholarships this year. The recipients of the 2023 scholarship awards were Emily Williams and Brandon Sullivan.
Emily was awarded $1,500.00. She was recommended by Frank Flores of Pronto Pest Management. She is attending Grand Valley State University and pursuing a degree in Elementary Education.
Brandon was awarded $500.00. He was recommended by Jason Sullivan of Action WDI Specialist. Brandon is attending Saginaw Valley State University He is pursuing a degree in Education.
Bill Welsh of Rose Pest Solutions is the Chairperson of the 2023 Scholarship Committee. Kevin Denardo of Ehrlich and Charles Bellgraph of Aardvark Pest Management, Inc. serve on the committee.
“Thank you do our dedicated members who contribute to our scholarship fund. Their support makes it possible for MPMA to give back to the pest
management community,” commented Bill Welsh.
The MPMA Foundation supports and encourages individual and corporate contributions to the General Scholarship Foundation. MPMA aims to assist students in their academic endeavors and to support the professional pest management profession by helping deserving and outstanding students attain their educational goals.
About MPMA
We are the voice of the industry, promoting the highest level of integrity and professionalism in order to protect the health and property of the community. As the official pest control association of Michigan, we represent, train, and continually educate our members to further the association’s ideals and the professionalism of the industry.